
Designed for writers like you

No matter your blogging needs, we have a plan that suits you. Sign up today and start your blogging journey with us!

Starter Plan

Perfect for beginner bloggers, and startups

  • Single Blog
  • Upto 10,000 views
  • Upto 20 Paid Subscribers
  • 24/7 Support
  • 1GB storage, unlimited bandwidth and more
  • (additional storage at $0.70/GB)
Get started

Blogger Plus

Ideal for aspirational and growing blogs.

  • Multiple Blogs
  • Upto 50,000 visitors
  • No-restrictions on no. of subscribers.
  • 24/7 Support
  • 10GB storage, unlimited bandwidth and more
  • (additional storage at $0.70/GB)
Get started

Content Manager Pro

Designed for advanced bloggers and news outlets

  • Multiple Blogs
  • Upto 100,000 visitors
  • No-restrictions on no. of subscribers.
  • 24/7 Premium Support
  • Upto 50GB storage, including everything in Plus
  • (additional storage at $0.50/GB)
Get started
25% of your subscription costs* will be donated to Ghost Organisation and various other organizations for supporting Open Source development
*Excluding Taxes